近期,实验室研究生程紫玥作为文章第一作者,与本科生高雪严,杨程扬,国外合作者Anna Brytek-Matera以及何金波教授(通讯作者)在Nutrients发表合作论文Effects of Online and Face-to-Face Intuitive Eating Interventions on Body Image and Eating Behaviors among Women in China: A Feasibility Study.
Body dissatisfaction and eating disorders have become major global concerns, including in Asian populations. Few studies have examined intervention effects on body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in China, especially for interventions with positive psychological perspectives (e.g., intuitive eating). In this pilot study, 66 women participated in an eight-module intuitive eating intervention delivered online (n = 42; mean age, 30.74 years) and face-to-face (n = 24; mean age, 19.46 years) for 8 weeks. Measures of body image and eating behaviors were used to assess the intervention’s feasibility, acceptability, and initial efficacy. Linear mixed models were used to analyze the data. The intervention had significant effects on both groups, promoting positive body image and intuitive eating and reducing negative body image and disordered eating behaviors. The effects of the online and face-to-face interventions did not differ significantly. Thus, whether delivered online or face-to-face, an intuitive eating intervention may effectively improve Chinese women’s body image and eating behaviors. However, the efficacy of the intuitive intervention in the Chinese context should be confirmed in future studies with designs in randomized control trials.
Keywords: intuitive eating; disordered; body image; feasibility study; intervention; Chinese women
说来感慨。最开始认识何老师的时候,自己对于饮食行为研究领域几乎一无所知,也正是带着这样的好奇,我加入了这个有爱的Sci-Cream实验室。我还记得,那天组会,我们都围在何老师身边,探讨着自己能去尝试的领域,何老师根据我有咨询和教师实习的经验,向我推荐了直觉饮食干预的课题。初期我接触直觉饮食的时候,可能我也和很多人抱有过类似的想法:“这不会又是一个什么减肥课程吧?!” 可是,当我逐字逐句阅读完教材,观看了创始人的介绍视频,以及查阅了几乎所有有关直觉饮食的先行研究。我发现——直觉饮食实在是太“温暖”了!在实验过程中,我采访了很多朋友,被试,包括我也反省过我自己,曾经去节食,或许尝试节食,包括很多限制饮食的减肥方法,是一个极其“身心痛苦”的过程(大概率的体重反弹,饮食紊乱,情绪波动等)。试问,我们如果都不信任自己的身体,我们成功的机率又有多大呢,甚至,我们是不是在“伤害”自己呢?所以,我很感谢我能接触到直觉饮食,其中的理念:“抵制节食“,”学会倾听自己的身体”,“与食物合作”……到最后“接纳自己,爱自己“。是呀,我认为干预就像教育一般,治疗不是最终目的,最终是希望你们都能在自己的生活里,能自我疗愈,自我成长,自我接纳,自我爱护。