SCI-Cream Lab

Welcome to the lab website! We aim to clarify the complex relationships between eating behaviors, body image, and media in the Chinese context. Both undergraduate and graduate students with a keen interest in health psychology are strongly encouraged to join our team. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Prof. HE Jinbo via e-mail if interested!

You could also follow our WeChat official account (SCI CREAM) for first-hand information.

SCI-Cream Lab


adjustment adolescents appetitive traits big-five personality traits body appreciation body dissatisfaction body image body image inflexibility body image inflexibiliy body mass index body shame body talk body weight celebrity worship China Chinese Chinese adolescents Chinese adults Chinese men Chinese pregnant women Chinese transgender adults Chinese version Chinese women Clinical Impairment Assessment cognitive restraint cross-culture decision tree diagnostic classification modeling diet quality dietary restraint disordered eating drive for muscularity eating disorder eating disorder psychopathology eating disorder symptomatology eating disorder symptoms eating disorders elderly fat talk feasibility study food addiction symptoms food insecurity food intake food parenting functionality appreciation gay dating app hedonic hunger heterosexual Chinese adults IES‐2 internalized bias internalized cisgenderism internalized homophobia intervention intuitive eating invariance latent profle analysis life satisfaction longitudinal longitudinal design loss of control eating loss of control over eating machine learning mealtime screen use mediation mental health meta-analysis mindfulness minority stress model muscle talk muscularity muscularity bias muscularity bias internalization muscularity dissatisfaction muscularity teasing muscularity-oriented disordered eating music network analysis network psychometric analysis night eating non-suicidal self-injury objectification theory older adults orthorexia nervosa parental feeding practices parenting style physical activity physical health physical well-being picky eating positive body talk power of Food Scale pregnancy prevalence problematic usage of the internet psychological distress psychological well-being psychometric properties psychosocial impairment random intercept cross-lagged panel model retrospective reports risk factors rural areas satisfaction with food-related life screen use during foodconsumption screen use while eating screening self-determination theory self-injurious thoughts and behaviors self-injurious thoughts and behaviours self-objectification self-stigma sexual minority SITB sleep quality social comparison model social comparison theory systematic review trait emotional intelligence transgender transgender congruence tripartite influence model tripartite influence theory validation weight bias internalization weight teasing women young adults

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